According to the American College of Prosthodontists, about 23 million people are completely edentulous (missing all their teeth). Many of those individuals choose to get traditional dentures. However, such prosthetics have their drawbacks. Is there a better solution? For many patients, yes! If you are struggling with the consequences of edentulism, contact our Midlothian dental team to learn about our options for strong and sturdy full-arch tooth replacement. You may be a candidate for implant dentures.
Dental implants are small cylinders, or posts, that are usually made of a titanium alloy. When they are strategically inserted into the jawbone, they can serve as prosthetic tooth roots and provide a very strong base of support for dentures. Implant dentures tend to be much sturdier and longer-lasting than their traditional counterparts.
During your consultation, we may recommend that you receive a fixed implant denture or a removable one.
As their name indicates, fixed implant dentures are permanently attached to the implants that support them. They can only be removed by a dental professional. Usually, they require at least 4 – 6 dental implants per arch. Many patients choose this option because they like the convenience of always having their teeth in their mouth.
Removable implant dentures, which are sometimes called “Snap-On dentures,” are easy for patients to remove on their own. The dentures are kept in place by small ball- or bar-shaped attachments on their implants. Because removable implant dentures require fewer implants than their permanent counterparts, they are often an excellent choice for individuals who have lost some bone density in their jaw.
The implant denture procedure usually involves four main stages:
Implant dentures might be a good choice for you if:
Even if you are not a candidate for implant dentures right away, you may become one after some preliminary procedures. Most patients who want this treatment can qualify for it!
Implant dentures offer some outstanding benefits:
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