Whether you recently started losing teeth or have been struggling with tooth loss for years, gaps in your smile can make smiling, eating, and even speaking a cumbersome chore. If this sounds all too familiar, our team at Legacy Dentistry would love to rebuild your smile with dentures in Midlothian! This minimally invasive, life-like, cost-effective tooth replacement option has been used for decades to help patients achieve full, strong, beautiful smiles. If you would like to schedule your initial consultation, don’t hesitate to contact our office.
Partial dentures are designed to seamlessly restore the smile of patients who are missing one or more teeth but still have a few natural ones as well. By adhering the prosthetic teeth to a gum-colored base, patients enjoy an appliance that looks and feels like the real thing. Plus, the metal framework discreetly attaches to the adjacent teeth for durability and comfort.
Thanks to implant-retained solutions, patients can apply the unmatched durability of dental implants to their dentures. In this case, the implants are strategically placed along the jawbone before snapping the denture overtop. After the healing process is complete, patients can indulge in their favorite foods while still being able to remove them each night for easy cleaning.
If you are missing one, a few, or an entire arch of teeth, then you may be a good candidate for dentures! The best way to find out for certain is by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Nguyen and Dr. DeSimone. From there, they can conduct an initial exam and learn more about your unique dental needs. If they discover any untreated dental concerns, like gum disease, then they can create a custom treatment plan tailored to you. That way, the end result is pristine oral health and a full, healthy, beautiful smile.
Tooth enamel is the strongest material in the entire body. However, it isn’t completely indestructible. Teeth can become damaged and lost in many different ways, including tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma to the mouth. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, there are numerous negative effects of tooth loss, including facial sagging, difficulty speaking, trouble eating, and low self-confidence. By replacing your missing teeth with dentures, you can improve all of these areas, resulting in a better overall quality of life.
Dentures are an option for people who are missing multiple, most of, or all of their teeth. Depending on the number of teeth you are missing and where they are located in the mouth, our team can put together a customized treatment plan to meet your needs. It’s crucial that you currently have good oral health before you can get new dentures, so any existing tooth decay or gum disease must be addressed beforehand. Once your existing teeth and gums are looking good, we can plan the rest of the denture process.
If dentures don’t sound like your cup of tea, but you still want to replace your missing teeth, you might benefit from another tooth replacement option. Here are the other ones that we offer:
Regardless of how many went missing, tooth loss can detract from your overall quality of life. Basic tasks like speaking, smiling, and eating that were once second nature suddenly become much more challenging. Rebuilding your smile with dentures restores its appearance and functionality, but that’s not all!
There are several additional benefits of being fitted with dentures, which we’ve outlined below. Continue reading to learn more, and feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.
You probably didn’t choose to lose your permanent teeth, and it can be difficult to accept the resulting changes. Gaps in your grin can leave you feeling self-conscious enough that your confidence suffers. When you’re concerned about how others might perceive your dental condition, you’re more likely to feel anxious, depressed, or unwilling to participate in social activities. You might worry that you won’t be clearly understood or could embarrass yourself over dinner.
Once you start wearing dentures, you’ll look and feel more like yourself, which can boost your confidence and allow you to enjoy socializing once again.
Your teeth play a crucial role in enunciating different words because you form certain sounds by pressing your tongue against them. Without a full set, you could develop a lisp or other speech impediments that hinder your ability to communicate with others.
Dentures act as artificial teeth that allow you to continue conversing like you’re used to. With your restoration in place, it can take about a month for your tongue and other supporting muscles to relearn the basics. With some time, patience, and practice, you’ll be able to speak as smoothly as ever.
Your body requires a variety of foods to obtain all the ingredients it needs to function at its peak. Unfortunately, many wholesome options, like raw fruits and veggies or tough meats, are harder to chew. That means if you’re missing teeth, you might develop gastrointestinal issues because you can’t sufficiently break things down into easily digestible pieces. You could also become malnourished if you stick to soft foods that aren’t as nutritious.
Dentures restore your ability to mash your food adequately for a strong, healthy body.
If you still have some natural teeth left in your mouth, it’s normal to want to do everything you can to preserve them. However, they’re prone to shifting out of alignment to fill in the spaces left behind by the ones that went missing. Over time, this can wear down your enamel unevenly which contributes to injuries like cracks or chips.
With dentures in place, your remaining teeth will stay in their rightful places to protect and preserve your grin.
According to a study completed in 2019, the probability of being employed was negatively associated with poor oral health. This is because one of the first things people notice about you is your smile, and aesthetic imperfections are viewed as unattractive. It can communicate that you don’t know how to take care of yourself, which isn’t overly inspiring to potential bosses or romantic partners.
Refurbishing your mouth with dentures can give you the confidence you need to make a great first impression at your next job interview or first date.
If you’re intrigued by what dentures may be able to do for you, you’re probably also interested in how much you can expect to pay for them. Our staff at Legacy Dentistry will be happy and eager to help you understand the cost of rebuilding your smile so you can maximize your benefits and achieve the gorgeous grin you’ve always wanted. Here’s a quick overview of the factors that largely determine the overall cost of dentures, but please contact our staff if you’d like to ask any questions.
The overall cost of a set of dentures is mostly determined by three factors, those being:
You’re probably going to be spending a lot of time with your dentures, so cheaper is not always better. A low-quality dental restoration may feel uncomfortable, look unnatural, or even cause oral injuries or infections due to a poor fit.
Implant dentures are anchored with several titanium posts surgically placed within the jaw, giving them several major advantages over traditional restorations. Patients with implant dentures will not have to worry about their appliance sliding about in their mouth, falling out when chewing or speaking, or having difficulty eating tough, chewy, or crunchy foods. While traditional dentures can last for up to ten years before needing replacement, implant dentures can potentially last much longer. The cost of the dental implants used to keep implant dentures in place will be reflected in the final bill, and while this makes them more expensive, the expense can be well worth it.
Since dentures are usually considered a major restorative treatment, they are usually covered at about 50% by most insurance plans. However, every dental insurance policy is different, so yours may cover your dentures more or less than anticipated. We’ll be happy to go over the details of your policy so you know exactly what you can expect to pay out of pocket.
We also offer several options to make dentures more economical for patients on a budget. These include:
The best way to learn more about what you can expect to pay for dentures is to schedule a consultation at our office. During this appointment, we will go over your options in detail so you can find the best way to achieve your ideal smile.