There’s no doubt about it—toothaches are incredibly irritating and inconvenient. That constant, throbbing pain in your mouth is almost guaranteed to derail your focus and ruin your mood. But how do you know when your pain is serious enough to warrant a trip to your emergency dentist? Keep reading to learn more about seven toothache symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore and that warrant quick treatment.
#1: Sharp Pain
Pain is usually the first sign that something isn’t right inside of your mouth. If you’re experiencing throbbing, persistent pain, you should contact and visit your dentist without delay. Sharp pain is often associated with cavities, but sometimes other issues like abscessed teeth can cause painful infections that necessitate immediate treatment.
#2: Hypersensitivity
Sensitivity often accompanies pain, but it can be caused by a variety of different things. One of the most common causes is bruxism, which occurs when you grind or clench your teeth (usually when you’re asleep). However, hypersensitivity can also be caused by cavities, which are usually apparent if hot or cold temperatures are causing extra discomfort.
#3: Loose Teeth
If you have a tooth that feels loose in addition to being in pain, it might be the result of advanced gum disease. Gum disease is easily preventable and treatable at first, but if it’s allowed to develop it can quickly wreak havoc inside your mouth and even lead to tooth loss!
#4: Swollen Glands
If your jawline or neck seems swollen, it could mean that the problem has spread beyond your tooth and is now affecting other parts of your mouth and body. If you’re experiencing an abscessed tooth combined with swollen glands, your other bodily organs could also be at risk. Seeking treatment quickly is crucial towards preventing further complications.
#5: Odd Discoloration
Over time, your teeth will naturally become stained and discolored due to the wear and tear of your enamel, the consumption of foods and drinks with staining agents, genetics, and many other factors. But if your teeth are hurting and are also beginning to change in color from yellow to dark brown or gray, there might be an underlying problem that needs to be addressed. Sometimes the pulp of your tooth can die and become infected, which can cause discoloration—this needs immediate treatment!
#6: Bleeding Gums
It’s natural for your gums to bleed and swell up every once in a while, but it shouldn’t be happening often, nor should it be paired with a toothache! This could be a sign of early gum disease and needs to be addressed quickly in order to prevent further complications.
#7: Bad Breath & Taste
An abscessed or infected tooth can cause constant bad breath or a lingering, foul taste in your mouth, which can make conversation unpleasant for you and those around you. This is because toxins are being emitted from the tooth itself, meaning that it must be treated in order to resolve the issue.
Tooth pain isn’t something that you should have to live with; your teeth are too important to be left in pain! If you’re experiencing discomfort due to any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist.
About the Practice
The team at Legacy Dentistry is proud to serve patients and families in the Midlothian, TX area under the leadership of Dr. Tony Nguyen and Dr. Mark Desimone. Their practice is pleased to offer a wide range of available services including emergency dentistry. If you or a loved one is suffering from severe tooth pain, don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule an appointment: (972) 723-1148.