If your palms sweat when it’s time to visit the dentist or you need dental work, sedation dentistry can help you sit back and relax. Sedation is a popular option for people with certain situations, like dental-related anxiety or lengthy treatment plans. Your dentist will determine the best sedative to meet your needs; however, you may have to pay for it out-of-pocket. Not all dental insurance covers sedation dentistry, but there are exceptions. Here’s what you need to know to determine how much you’ll have to pay.
Is Sedation Dentistry Covered By Insurance?
Most standard dental plans don’t cover the expense of sedation dentistry, despite millions of Americans benefiting from it. Often, it’s put in the same category as “non-essential dental procedures,” like cosmetic services or dental implants.
“Luxury” treatments often have higher costs, which is why they aren’t included in many dental plans. Depending on the situation, the cost of sedation can be equal to or exceed the expense of the overall treatment. Insurance companies would have to raise premium rates to cover sedation.
When is Sedation Covered by Insurance?
Dental insurance can cover dental sedation under certain circumstances, such as when it will actually lower the cost of the treatment. Depending on the situation, they can partially or fully cover the cost of sedation.
This can be the case if a patient must have their treatment delayed or spaced out from anxiety or multiple procedures. It’s more common for insurance companies to cover mild sedatives, like nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation. IV sedatives are more expensive and will only be covered in specific instances, like when needing oral surgery, tooth extractions, or other complex treatments.
Dental insurance may pay a portion of the cost if a patient has a medical condition or disability that makes dental care difficult or impossible without it.
How Much Will You Have to Pay?
Many things affect the cost of sedation dentistry, like the type used. Your sedation dentist will review your medical history and treatment plan to determine the best type for your needs. They will also work on your behalf with your dental insurance to help you maximize any appropriate dental benefits to lower the amount you’ll pay. If there’s any remaining balance, many dental practices accept monthly payment plans using a third-party financing company, like CareCredit. You won’t have to compromise your comfort if money is tight.
No two mouths or situations are the same. Whether your insurance covers sedation or not, your dentist will always keep your comfort as their priority by using the latest techniques and technologies. They’ll help you find the financial solutions you need to benefit from sedation dentistry.
About Dr. Mark DeSimone
Dr. DeSimone earned his dental degree at Louisiana State University and has regularly continued his education in many specialties, including oral surgery and dental sedation. He works with many dental insurance plans and accepts various payment methods to keep his services affordable. Request an appointment through our website or call (972) 789-2948.